
Medical University of Lodz

The Medical University of Lodz (MUL) is the largest public medical university in Poland. It has over 70 years of medical tradition and there are 11 000 students attending different courses at MUL, including 900 foreign students. We educate future specialists in medical and health sciences.

MUL is considered a leader in the number of scientific publications and citations among medical schools in Poland. We guarantee high quality of teaching and scientific research in the medical and health sciences. We significantly contribute to the development of the health care system.

Foundation for the Medical University of Lodz

The FUMED Foundation for the Medical University of Lodz has been operating continuously since 2011. Our mission is to support the development and operation of the university through the promotion and integration of the academic community. We are actively involved in the life of the university, supporting its activities organizationally and financially.

Additionally, we deal with organization of conferences, conventions, symposiums, trainings and various types of special events.