Keynote speakers

Aneta Andrzejczyk

The Deputy Director of the Office for Research, Strategies, and Development at the Medical University of Lodz, Poland
Medical University of Lodz, Poland

Hilaire Armstrong

Technical Officer, Youth Initiative and Strategic Partnerships
WHO Regional Office for Europe

Balázs Fürjes

InnoSTARS Managing Director

Dr. sc. nat. Saskia Maria De Gani

Department Head Careum Center for Health Literacy
Senior Researcher at Careum School of Health, Switzerland

Mikołaj Gurdała

Strategic Business Development Lead
EMEA Payer, Provider & Government

Prof. Maddalena Illario

Associate Professor
Federico II Department of Public Health, Italy

Prof. Didier Jourdan

Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair “Global Health and Education” and Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre for “Research in Education and Health”, France

Prof. Tomasz Kostka

Medical University of Lodz, Poland

Prof. Diane Levin-Zamir

Professor of Health Promotion
University of Haifa, Israel

Prof. Paweł Ptaszyński

Medical University of Lodz, Poland

Professor Lucyna Woźniak

Vice-Rector for Research Strategy and International Affairs and Head of the Department of Structural Biology
Medical University of Lodz, Poland